Tag Archive: hotel

Phase 2 : The Chase

April 17th,2016


2030 GMT


Red Square



Vladimir Makarov

Inner Circle


As long as Shepherd is still alive,I’m a dead man.With his vast resources,I’ve no longer able to elude his hit team.Even the likes of Jackson will not lend me a hand on this one.Even if he manage to assist me eluding these fools,it will not long before authorities noticed something’s going on between me and Jackson.I never expect I have to ask a favor from my own enemy,the man that I put behind bars five years earlier.In my opinion,he’s the last person I will like to ask for help.But since we share a common enemy,all hostilities must be put aside,at least for now.As long as Shepherd still exist,my chance to survive is a bit slim.


As I contemplating my plan in case Shepherd survive the assault,a phone call suddenly interrupt my concentration.As I see the caller’s name,a broad smile appear on my face.’I hope you have good news for me,Director.As long as Shepherd still alive,there’s no way I can conduct my operation in secret.’But the caller assures me everything is fine,’Shepherd will no longer bugging you.He died at the hands of his own men.SAS operatives confirmed his death several hours ago.’His tone seems very convincing.Now,with him gone,I can concentrate on tracking down the last operatives of Task Force 141.I ask him,’Do you know their whereabouts,my friend?’After a few moments,he reply,’Even better.One of them is badly injured.Chatter says they’re now in a Loyalist safehouse in Himachal Pradesh,India.’


After he hang up his call,with Shepherd’s no longer existed,the last loose ends for me are Price and his comrade,MacTavish.It’s time for them to join Shepherd as well.


April 18th,2012


0900 GMT


Nikolai’s Safehouse

Himachal Pradesh,India


Captain John Price

Task Force 141


Barely a few minutes ago,I received a distress call from Abbas.From his tone,I know something’s gone wrong.’Sir,you better be ready.Makarov send his men to your location right now!’I’m a bit surprise with that because the only person I told is him only.’How he manage to get our location?It seems like you have a leak on your side,son.’But he insisted,Sir,I’m telling you,I don’t tell any soul at all.Unless…’I pressed him,’Who else knows about this?’After a few moments,he reply,’Only the Circus.It looks like someone’s feeding information to Makarov.’


Then,one of the Loyalists reporting to us,’We’re picking up inbound signatures.’Nikolai shake his head and said,’It looks like we have company.Probably Inner Circle.What puzzles me,how they manage to locate us in a short time?’I reply,’I suspect someone inside British intelligence feeding Makarov about it.’After a few moments,I continue,’No time to think about that.Who’s your best men?’I ask Nikolai.He pointed his finger to a soldierthat guarding the room,’Yuri.Ex-Spetsnaz.Only man I know who hates Makarov more than you.’Knowing that I have someone to rely on,I tell Nikolai to setup the perimeter while pointing out these fools might fly in from the south.’How do you know?’One of the Loyalists ask.I simply reply,’It’s what I’d do.’


1000 GMT


Our worst fear become a reality.Three Havoc gunners and five MI-27 helos approaching our position with commandos rappeling down and fast with one objective,obliterating all of us.With the odds against us,it will be very difficult for all of us to escape,especially with Soap’s condition.As Nikolai and the doctor continue monitoring Soap,a helicopter crush through the wall,knocking everyone down.From that hole,I see more Ultranationalists rappeling down from MI-27s,heading towards the courtyard.’What you need me,Price?’Yuri ask.I pointed to a balcony and reply,’Yuri,take a position on the balcony!We need to buy the doctor some time!Keep your eyes on the courtyard.’Then,hostile forces appeared on the courtyard,triggering a fierce firefight between both factions.We thought that’s the end but an enemy Hind,appeared out of nowhere,firing a barrage of bullets towards us,killing the doctor immediately.’Yuri,we need your help!Give him the shot!’Nikolai continues patching the wounds as Yuri injected a shot of adrenaline to keep his heart beating.


Then,out of nowhere,one of the commandos manage to breach the door,forcing me to shoot him immediately.’We need to get moving.Looks like they’re already on the roof.’Yuri exclaims as Nikolai continues carrying Soap.As we walk into the hall,more idiots barging through the window,forcing me and Yuri to kill them immediately.As we headed down,more bloodshed continues between Makarov’s men and the Loyalists.’Come on.If we want to escape,we need to obliterate the remaining resistances!’I rallied the remaining Loyalists to continue fighting for their cause.With renewed spirits,we engage them swiftly,clearing the courtyard.But I know this is a long way to go.With Makarov’s drone is in the air,the advantage is still in his hands.


‘Damn it.Price,more mercenaries rappeling down from the chopper on the street!’Yuri exclaims as he led more Loyalists to aid civilians and clearing a way for our escape.With the condition is not on our side,I immediately tell Nikolai,’We’re outnumbered and outgunned.We need some heavier firepower,mate!’Fully understand our dire situation,Nikolai informs me about a weapon cache at the edge of the town where a UGV is stored there.Before I leave the safehouse,I tell him to stay back and protect Soap.


We continue to push our way to reach the cache.Despite continuous resistance from Makarov’s men,we manage to reach the weapons cache in one piece.’Unmanned ground vehicle.2 centimeter armor plating,mounted mini-gun,and grenade launcher.Controls are going to be in Russian.Yuri,you’re up.’As he control the UGV,he said to me,’Make it fast,Price.Just make sure you’re reach the chopper in time.’I only nodded and reply,’So do you.’I lifted the garage door and the UGV immediately killed or destroyed anything on its path.With our route clear,Nikolai and I carry Soap to the chopper.Suddenly,as we successfully loaded Soap into the chopper,the drone fires a missile towards the UGV,destroying it in a blink of an eye.I immediately radioed Yuri,’Yuri,run to the chopper!Move!Go!Go!’As we leave the area,Yuri struggling to evade those missiles.As he reach the roof,another missile hit the building,causing it to collapse with Yuri fall to cliff.


We thought he’s dead in that attack but then we see a figure,recuperating from exhaustion,holding tight to a tree root.’There he is!There’s Yuri!’I can only sigh with relief to see him in one piece.As we mention Yuri,Soap suddenly interrupt,’Who the bloody hell’s Yuri?’I can only smile to hear that phrase.The same thing I said about him several years earlier before he do the CQB test.


1130 GMT


Secret Intelligence Service Headquarters

Vauxhall Cross

London,Great Britain


Captain Mustapha Abbas

22nd Regiment,SAS


I’m fully aware that several DSMs have been recovered from both Site Hotel Bravo and Soap respectively.But with this revelation,I fear the DSM may have been compromised.Who knows how many information Makarov’s mole have erased over the last 12 hours.The only DSM left is with the Loyalists,under Polyakov’s care.’Hello,it’s me.I need a name from the DSM.’Puzzled with my request,he asks,’There’s something troubling you,Mustapha?’I briefly explain about the leak as well as Makarov’s assault over Nikolai’s safehouse in Himachal Pradesh,India.Realizing how damaging the leak is to everyone,he orders his men to run full diagnosis on the DSM.’Can you give me a name?’I reply,’I don’t have names but I suspect the leak comes from the highest echelon of British intelligence.’After a few moments,he asks,’Is this the name you asks for?’I could hardly believe it as Polyakov utter that name.Clarkson.


April 25th,2016


1405 GMT


Following the revelation from the DSM,Prime Minister,Adam Lang orders our intelligence to put the house back in order.To speed up the process,he appointed Director Bakr to Clarkson’s original position,making him the new head of British intelligence.With that information,we launch a spring cleaning,removing anyone suspected becoming Makarov’s mole.Other agencies around the world doing the same thing,arresting anyone who had ties with Vladimir Makarov.That includes the arrest of several CBI officers and Indian Defence Minister,Vishal Mukherjee,who at the time,turning a blind eye while Makarov ordered Inner Circle to attack Himachal Pradesh.Despite those arrests,some manage to escape from our grasp.One of them is Clarkson.To avoid further leaks in the future,Director Bakr appointed me and MacMillan as liaison officers for 141 operatives.And to ensure these traitors suffer even more,with approval from the Queen herself,anyone collaborates with Vladimir Makarov will be declared as enemies of the crown by the government itself.Still,I wonder if that’s already too late……

Phase 2 : Endgame

April 17th,2016


0900 GMT


Nikolai’s Safehouse



Captain John ‘Soap’ MacTavish

Task Force 141


Chasing him to his secret base is absolute suicide.What Abbas said yesterday was true.With the strength of an entire company and fully equipped with the latest gadget and weapons from United States,infiltrating the base is almost impossible.After receiving confirmation from Abbas,at least we know ‘Kingfish’ wasn’t lying over Shepherd’s location.Perhaps,he realized his only chance to survive is by eliminating Shepherd and with both of us gunning to get him,it fits our needs perfectly.Allowing us to get back on Shepherd while Makarov eliminates another loose ends that tie him back to the massacre.


Then Nikolai’s mobile ringing while we conducting full inventory on our equipment.As the old man check the number,it’s from Abbas.’Still worrying about us,old man?’He ask.It turns out the caller is none other than Colonel MacMillan.As Price put it on speaker,it’s my turn to ask,’Why you’re calling us using Abbas’s mobile?’He calmly explain,’To avoid detection at least for now.Listen,at the moment,Abbas is presenting his reports to everyone.With those reports,I believe you’ll be exonerated in no time.’Then,the old man ask about Shepherd,’What about ‘Caterpillar’,sir?Our government’s stand on him?’After a few moments,he reply,’Our government’s stand is clear.They want Shepherd to be prosecuted in the Hague for his crimes against humanity.’Then,he stop briefly,probably receives a new order from the Circus.’It seems like the government want to take him down.Since you’re the closest to his location,the Circus want Shepherd to be capture alive or dead.That depends on you now,boys.’


1430 GMT


Site Hotel Bravo



Nikolai dropped us several clicks from the base.With sandstorm hitting the area,the condition suited us perfectly to infiltrate the base.Still,before Nikolai departs,he makes an offer to us,’I’ll wait for you at the exfil point.Three hours.’But the old man politely decline his offer,’Don’t bother.This was a one-way flight,mate.’Realizing there’s nothing he can do to change our mind,he wishes us best of luck and leaves.


Price and Soap are gunning for Shepherd.

We remove our desert camos and slowly heading to a ridge,overlooking Site Hotel Bravo.’Sir,I picking up a thermal spike ahead.Looks like we’re closer than we anticipate.’The old man nodded and continue,’Looks like he’s not ripping us after all.’Down the ridge,we spotted a large group of mercenaries patrolling the area.After several minutes,some of them decided to split up and headed to another direction.With opportunity present itself,we hit the first group hard.As for the dogs,’Nap time.’We slide down the ridge and do the same thing with another patrol.


As we prepared ourselves to rappel down the cliff,a familiar voice echo through our comms.’Soap,if you want to grab Shepherd,better do it fast.It looks like his associates have send several operatives to grab him as well.Probably want to shut him up.’As we rappel down the cliff,the old man ask,’Why exactly he’s so important to them?’Abbas reply,’Sir,at the moment,Shepherd’s possessing the DSM.Inside that bloody intel,there’s hundreds of names,enough to bring down a government or crippling the entire nation.Both MI-6 and MI-5 are looking on it right now.’It looks like people will do whatever means necessary to ensure their skeleton remain undiscovered.We pull out our knives and swiftly killed the sentries immediately.And to buy us more time,we throw their bodies into the river before entering the cave.


Inside,more activities are conducted by these mercenaries.To avoid any detection,we use narrow alleys and dark corners as our cover.These covers allow us to eliminate anyone of them easily as well as allowing us to move forward.As we reach the steam room,it looks like we running out of luck.’Looks like they know we’re here.’I whisper on that.But the old man calms me down and said,’Let them come,Soap.We can do this,son.’Shadow Company operatives,as they called,breaching the room,triggering a firefight between us and them.Despite their numbers against us,using grenade launcher on our assault rifle,in matter of minutes,they’ve all gone in no time.


We can hear Shepherd’s tone inside the tunnel.We know he’s anxious and worried.If not,why he orders his men to backup priority items and burn the rest of it.He knows,we getting closer to his location.He can throw his men all he wants but no one will stand between us and our revenge.Fortunately,MI-6 is helping us to fulfil our desire.’Sir,this is Mustapha.Shepherd’s in the control room.If you want to find him,he should be there.’Firefight continues as we closing in to the control room.After half an hour,we made it to the room.Unfortunately,they slam the door shut,forcing us to breach.After eliminating more elements inside the room,we enter the room with Shepherd is nowhere to be seen.


‘Soap,grab the DSM and help me override the doors.’At first,I don’t understand on the need to override the doors until I realized that room is rigged with explosives.As we continue overriding the doors,we can hear Shepherd’s annoucement through PA system,’All units be advised this is Gold Eagle.The site has been compromised.I am executing directive one-one-six bravo.If you’re still inside,your service will be honored.Shepherd out.’With time to spare,we immediately leave as the cave explodes.


Shadow Company's operatives arrived to buy Shepherd some time.

As I still shell shock from that explosion,another news strike fear to us.’Sir,incoming artillery shells from the north!Get down!Get down!’We duck as artillery shells hitting Site Hotel Bravo hard,killing every Shadow Company’s operatives.As we duck,we see another cave,probably to an undeground river.But between us and it,more operatives swarming the area,trying to buy their leader some time.But an unlikely help comes in form of several SAS operatives led by Leftenant John Wallcroft.’I thought you’re back in Credenhill.’I exclaim as SAS operatives detain the remaining survivors.’Well,Captain Abbas said you might need a hand on this.Go get him,sir.’He reply.With renewed spirits,we enter the cave and started pursuing Shepherd using the Zodiac.

Price and Soap relentless pursued Shepherd throughout the river.


We chase Shepherd and his entourages throughout the river with me maneuvering the boat while Price providing suppressing fire.At times,I have to use a Mini-Uzi to return fire towards other boats,commandeered by Company’s operatives.To make things even more difficult,to increase his chance to escape,he even enlisted several Little Birds to eliminate us from his heels.This predicament force Price to shout directions to me in order to avoid its deadly minigun.Then,as we closing in on Shepherd,Price exclaim,’Rapids up ahead!It’s going to get rough,hang on!’On the way down,more operatives closing in on our position,forcing me and the old man to return fire.As the rapid settles,we can see a Pave Low flying low,probably to pick him up.As we getting closer to him,I realized we’re actually closer to the waterfall.Still,the old man point his sniper rifle to the Pave Low,forcing it to crash.I tried to reverse but the current is too strong,dragging us down as well.


As I regain my consciousness,I cough several times to remove water out from my lungs.Despite my bad conditions,my resolute to kill Shepherd remains the same.As I headed to the crash site,I can hear the old man coughing as well.I assume his condition much the same as me.There,I find several survivors and decided to leave them.They’re not my target.I still have the sense of honor,taught by my best friend in the past.I’m sure he’ll be proud on that.As I search around the wreckage,I see a figure running in this sandstorm.I know it’s him.With that injury,I know he will not run very far.My assumption is correct.In the midst of the storm,I find him resting on the car,probably treating his wounds.

Shepherd preparing to execute Soap.


He’s not surprised to see me with that knife.It seems he’s waiting for my reaction on that.After a few moments,I decided to ask,’Why you’re doing this,Shepherd?Why?!’He cynically reply,’Why don’t you come a bit closer and I will tell you everything!’I try to stab him but despite with his injuries,he has no problem knocking me down on the ground.Then,I can see him removing his knife and stab me with it,blacking me out for a moment.When I awake,I see him filling his Magnum with bullets and arrogantly answer my question,’Five years ago,I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye.And the world watching helplessly as they meet their demise.’As he ready to take an aim,he continue,’Tomorrow there will be no shortage of volunteers,no shortage of patriots.I know you understand.’


Shepherd meet his demise as Soap throws a knife to his left eye.

Then all of a sudden,the old man tackling him down,allowing me to crawl and grab his Magnum.But the old man is easily beaten with Shepherd manage to grab his gun back and kicks me on the face.As my vision fades in and out,I can see him and Price engage in a brutal fistfight.But Shepherd overpowers him easily and begins to punch him repeatedly in the face.I thought that’s it but I realized Shepherd’s knife in my chest.What if…?That moment,I use every single ounce of my strength to pull it out and aim towards his face.One word I mutter to him as the knife hit straight to his face.As he look up,it hits his left eye,killing him instantly.With Price still lying motionless,it looks as though my fate is sealed.But then,the old man wakes and cough several times while Shepherd’s corpse of his body.He then move to my position,trying to patch that wound.’Glad you’re still alive,old man.’No words could describe him.But he tells me to be quiet as he continues patching the wound.Then,as he monitoring my wounds,Nikolai arrives along with other SAS operatives.’I told you this was a one way trip.Never expecting you to bring some friends along.’He reply,’I will never abandoned my comrades,Captain Price.’Then,I can hear a SAS officer telling us some news,’Captain,you have to leave now.Shepherd’s men and Inner Circle are closing in on this location.Don’t worry about Shepherd.We take it from here.’Both Price and Nikolai carries me to the Little Bird as the old man said,’Nikolai,we need to get Soap out of here.’He assures both of us that he knows a safe place for us.Finally,a huge sigh of relief.Before we leave the area,the old man remove the DSM out from my uniform and give it to them.He tells them,’That’s an evidence that you cannot trade with anything in this world.’

Phase 2 : Betrayal

April 17th,2016

0800 GMT

Camp Arifjan

Arifjan,State of Kuwait

Sergeant Gary ‘Roach’ Sanderson

Task Force 141

It’s been a difficult week for all of us.First,Allen’s demise at Makarov’s hand.Then,as an act of retaliation,Russia declare war against United States and launch a massive invasion towards the East Coast.With Makarov still on the loose,it’s our duty to bring him to justice,to face trial for his crimes against humanity.And this time,Shepherd make this very personal,’It’s been a tough week, gentlemen.We’ve lost more than we ever dreamed.But we will recover.I’ve got a blank check.And we’re gonna use every cent of it killin’ Makarov.Despite what the world may say,we are not savages,we don’t kill civilians.We use precision.There’s an evil man hiding in these shadows and we’re gonna bring him into the light.Once his face is revealed,we will write history,gentlemen.’

He then pointed out on two possible locations where Makarov might possibly there,’These are the last safe havens left on Earth for Makarov and his men.His safehouse in the outskirts of Sukhumi,Abkhazia while according to CIA,Makarov is expected to make a deal with several arms dealers in a boneyard in Kandahar,Afghanistan.’Captain Price commented on these locations,’Sounds like we gotta be in two places at once.’Shepherd can only shake his head and said,’Impossible to you?’He reply,’Not for 141,sir.’Then it’s Ghost turn to speak,’Fifty-fifty chance to take out Makarov,eh?Captain Price,request permission to take the safehouse with Roach.’He nodded to his request,meaning Ghost and I will lead the raid on Makarov’s safehouse.While Price and Soap will head to Afghanistan to monitor the dealings.With that done and dusted,Shepherd wants this matter to be concluded immediately to provide closure for everyone.

1515 GMT

Makarov’s Safehouse


Ghost led a team consisting of me,himself,Trojan,Scarecrow,Ozone,Archer,Toad,Redcell,Gaz,Pyro,Hydro and Worm to this address.According to the Loyalists,this safehouse is highly guarded and they will use whatever means necessary to recapture it,even if that means resorting to mortar or sending Hinds to this location.From the looks of it,I thought they’re just bluffing but Ghost,having worked with them for some time in the past tell us all to be careful.’You may think they’re bluffing but believe it.They’re pursuing him much longer than us.That’s why we need to listen and carefully tread our steps.’

Ghost lead the others to Makarov's safehouse.

With Archer and Toad on the ridge,ready to provide sniping fire,the rest of us went down and heading to the forest.All seems well,too well.Then,mayhem ensues…..’Ambush!’Ozone exclaim as operatives in front of us killed after stepping the mines.Then,gunfires and RPGs starting to rain down on our position.Noticing their position,Ghost tell us to move to the left flank and hit their defence hard.As we plow through the forest,firefight ensues between us and Makarov’s loyalists,most of them wearing ghillied suits.Despite the odds against us,we manage to fend them off and reach the perimeter of the safehouse.Then,we see several SUVs leaving the area,forcing us to shoot their vehicles.Despite being shot repeatedly,the vehicles continue their journey.Ghost radioed Archer,’Don’t let those trucks get away!’Both snipers use the Javelins and within minutes,both vehicles are destroyed.

As we heading to the house,Archer give us a stark reminder,’Moving vehicles have been neutralized.Be advised,we have not,I repeat,we have not spotted Makarov and no one else has left the house.Those trucks may have been decoys.Over.’With Makarov is not in the area,we breach the safehouse and sweep through any resistance.After half an hour,the house is secured.’Shepherd, this is Ghost.No sign of Makarov,I repeat, no sign of Makarov.Captain Price,any luck in Afghanistan?’After a few moments,Price reply,’Plenty…at least fifty hired guns here,but no sign of Makarov.Perhaps our intel was off.’Ghost then switched on the computer and his expression change.’Well,the quality of the intel’s about to change.This safehouse is a bloody goldmine.’He then tells me to insert the DSM to copy any information inside the computer.After a long pause,Shepherd reply,’Copy that.Ghost,have your team collect everything you can for an operations playbook.Names,contacts,places everything.’As he tells Ozone and Scarecrow to record everything inside the house,he said,’We’re already on it sir.Makarov will have nowhere to run.’Shepherd then tell us that extraction force will arrive in 5 minutes.It’s a huge relief but with that computer’s condition,I don’t think we can reach that window.

And my assumption proved to be correct.Once we rig several places with claymore and replenish our supplies,a disturbing news comes from our radio,’Be advised,you have a large concentration of hostiles moving in from the southeast,they’ve just breached the perimeter!I’ll try to thin ’em out before they get too close.Recommend you switch to scoped weapons,over.’We can hear explosions several clicks from our position,which means they’re closing in on our location.Using everything in our disposal,we bravely defend ourselves and the DSM from incoming Ultranationalists.To make matters even worse,Ozone is killed while defending our position.With numerical advantage on their hands,we know we have to act fast.

‘Roach,I’m covering the front!Get the DSM!We gotta get outta here!’I immediately grab the DSM and headed to our exfil point with the others.At times,we have to stop and shot several militias to put some distance between us and them.But,everything change when they use mortars on our position.With our escape route is getting narrower,we know we might be pinned down.But I can see from afar,salvation.Extraction team are finally arrived.But then,a huge explosion hit me hard…….

1630 GMT

Captain Mustapha Abbas

22nd Regiment,SAS

With chaos ensues around the perimeter,I know Makarov’s loyalists targeting the elements of 141 very hard.’Team Two,tell me you have secured those bloody mortars?’After a few moments,Wallcroft reply,’Mortar secure,sir.’I reach Archer’s last position and find several mercenaries slowly advancing towards them.I use my suppressed MP5,killing them instantly.Both snipers are a bit surprise with my presence.’I thought you’re still in Credenhill,sir.’Archer asked.I can only shake my head and reply,’Well,changing plans.The government is making a move on Shepherd.I explain everything later.Right now,show me the best position to survey the exfil point.’Both snipers led me to a narrow ridge,covering the entire the exfil point.’What exactly going on,sir?’Toad asked.’Let’s just say Shepherd’s betraying you.All of you.’

I can see clearly from my scope that both Roach and Ghost are running for their lives.’Kamarov,tell me you’ve secured the safehouse.’After a few minutes,he reply,’My team have secured the safehouse.They currently downloading the computer’s content with the DSM.’With the safehouse secured,I know once he obtain it,he will destroy everything including the house.’Listen,if any mercenaries approaching your position,fire at will.If they intorduced themselves as US soldiers,don’t trust their bluffs.They just want to destory anything related to Shepherd.Can you do that,comrade?’Few moments later,he acknowledge it,’Da,I’ll do my best.’After sorting through that matter,I switched my frequency to 141 official comms and my word,I’m shock….

Several gunfire can be heard as Shepherd shoots Roach and Ghost.Furious with his betrayal,I contacted Shepherd as he ready to deal with them.’Who’s this?’The only response I give to him is,’Your own nightmare.’All three of us shoot several Little Birds causing them to crash immediately.Then,Team Two target Shepherd’s position with mortars,forcing him and his men to leave the area.’Rowlands,get Roach and Ghost!Both of them need medical attention immediately!’

Team Three led by Leftenant Nathan ‘Rory’ Rownlands reach their position and immeidately providing them with proper medical care.’Rory,give me a sitrep on them.’I asked as I lead the snipers to the safehouse.’Both of them are still alive but with those wounds,without proper medical attention,I don’t they will last long.’Rory give us a very frank assessment on their condition.If only I act fast,maybe this will never happen in the first place.But,it’s already history.There’s nothing we can do except to move forward and continue our hunt on Makarov.’Rory,patch them as best as you can.We cannot lose them.’My tone changed as tears starting to flow out from eyes.’My men are doing that right now.I just make contact with Baseplate.Helos should pick them up in five.’Rory informs me as he himself could no longer hold those tears.

Then,I can hear clearly Soap calling them,’Roach?Ghost?Come in,Ghost.Do you copy?Does anyone copy?’I verify his call,’It’s me,Soap.Both Roach and Ghost are currently receiving treatment from Team Three.Rory and his team is doing their best,mate.’Then,it’s the old man asked,’Where’s Shepherd?’I reply,’Probably on the run.Before he manage to finish them off,Archer,Toad and I rain them down with sniper fires.While Wallcroft bombarding their locations with mortars.’Then Soap try to say something,but it seems stop at his thorat.Then,he exclaim in frustration,’Shepherd betrayed us.’Price commented on our situation,’Have to trust someone to be betrayed.I never did.Nikolai,come in.Do you have our location?After a few moments,he delivered a shocking news,’Da.Inbound,Price.But I am not the only one.You’ve got Shepherd’s men on one side,Makarov’s on the other.’With this new evidence,that should be enough for us to pursue him more aggressively.’Sir,141’s not alone in the area.Baseplate just dispatch 20th and 25th Regiment to assist your escape,sir.’With that manpower,that should help them to escape.Then he said in the radio,Even with that reinforcement,we still need to take them out or…’I continue,’Or let them killing each other.’

1745 GMT

Frontline Medical Services


Both of them are now in surgeries.There’s nothing we can do except pray for their safety.Then,my phone is starting to vibrate.As I see the caller’s name,I can breathe a huge sigh of relief.It’s Soap.’Glad you made it out from Afghanistan.Where are you now?’I asked.He slowly reply,’Price and I are in Nikolai’s safehouse in Peshawar,Pakistan.At the moment,the heat is still on.Just hours ago,Shepherd just labeling 141 as terrorists group while both of us being labeled as international criminal.’When I hear such news like that,I know I had to act fast.’Listen,the government’s behind you.I’ll do whatever I can to help you out.’But he politely decline my offer,’Don’t worry about us,mate.We’re more concern getting back on Shepherd.’

Then he ask me for a favor,’Can you confirm Shepherd’s location known as Site Hotel Bravo?’As I check my intel,I asked,’How do you get that bloody intel?’He calmly reply,’Let’s just say ‘Kingfish’ is the one who provided the intel.With Shepherd hot on his heels,the only way for him to survive is providing us intel about Shepherd.’I can only take a deep breathe on that.I’m sure the Circus will not be very happy with this new development.’Listen,these mercenaries are also telling the truth.It’s Site Hotel Bravo as you mention,mate.’I then asked,’You know getting there is bloody suicide!At least,have a word with our superiors about this.We want Shepherd,alright?I want to see him suffer for his misdeeds,not this way.’But my persuasion fail to change his stance.’Mustapha,using your method might take some time.Besides,both of us want to see him taste his own medicines.We want to see him dead!’